व्यवसाय परामर्श सेवा

जिल्ला उद्यम विकास सहजकर्ता समाज सुनसरी
  • कोशी प्रदेश,सुनसरी,दुहवी नगरपालिका -२
  • 9827318797

Support to preparation of the Business plan for ME. Support to business registration of the ME. Support to the business affiliation of ME with different business stakeholders. Organize Entrepreneurship Development Training and business development counseling.

सम्पर्क व्यक्ति

यस व्यवसाय परामर्श सेवा अन्तर्गका सेवाहरू

  • कुनै डाटा भेटिएन